
I think summer is here.  At least it was here last week.  The weather made it up into the high 80’s for 3 full days until it plunged back into the 50’s.  It’s a foggy balmy 55 today – light sweater weather.

One of those warm days we took the kids on a 4.5 mile walk down the Osaugie Trail.  By the time we got back the temp had hit 90 degrees F and the girls thought they were going to melt.  So we did what any good Northerner would do and left our un-air conditioned house and went to the air conditioned library.

My Little Reader

The kids found a stack of books to read and I found some cookbooks.  I recently found out that I need to follow a gluten free diet and so I’m reading everything I can get my hands on.  I’ll try to keep the gluten-free chatter on my family blog, instead of cluttering it up here.  It’s not an easy change for me (oh let me list the things I miss!) but it has definitely made an improvement in how I feel.

While going from extremely warm to cold air conditioning, it struck me that what I need is a little light airy sweater.  Something like the Liesl that has been in my queue  I even own a hard copy of the pattern.  Every summer I say I’m going to make a rainbow of these to go over tank tops and little sun dresses (of which I probably own 3).  Then fall comes around and I wonder why I would ever want anything without full sleeves.

But baby, I promise this summer will be different.

But first, I’ve got to finish my Lumen shawl (on the last 16 rows) and the HPKY scarf.  By the time I’m done with all that garter stitch I think I’ll be ready for some feather and fan action.  Hopefully there will still be a few days of warmish weather left to inspire me to knit a Liesl.

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