Summer List

Warming my toes

We’ve been doing a fair amount of sitting outside watching a fire burn down lately.  No long family vacations for the Knitting Up North household, but several long weekends away and watching a fire whenever we can.


  1. I was kind of bummed last week that I chose not to go to Stitches Midwest this year.  I love going but had made the decision that I was going to be content with Knitting Extravaganza instead.
  2. Now I have an overwhelming urge to attend Vogue Knitting Live in Chicago Nov. 1-3.  Check out the class list.  The timing isn’t fantastic for me, we’ll be coming off one extremely busy time at work and heading right into another, but I think hope I might be able to sneak away.  I certainly wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to enable me by offering to come along on the trip.  Of course, there’s also one in Seattle March 14-16 which happens to fall during Spring Break.  I don’t officially get time off at Spring Break, but its usually easier to sneak away at that time.  Besides, Seattle in March has got to be better than the frozen tundra Superior in March.
  3. I finished some stuff.  Do you want to see pictures?  Me too!
  4. I started a LightSpeed.  So far so good.  I’m using some Trekking for my main color and Noro for the contrast.  It’s gonna be puuurdy.  I should get pictures of this soon too.
  5. I have another pair of Houdini socks started.  One sole done and another about halfway.  Best. Sock. Pattern. Eva.  As I’ve said before, I don’t do the lace pattern on the cuff of the sock.  I usually pick some other cuff ribbing that I like.  I’m not sure what I’ll do on these yet.
  6. I bottled wine at lunch today.  It was wine for an event we’re having next spring.  Crazy, huh?
  7. I’ve been doing a bit of spinning again.  It took me a bit to get my wheel set up the way I like, but now I’m off and running with it.  I’m trying to do a little bit after the kids go to bed each night.