Telepathic Knitting

Telepathic knitting – if I knit as much as I think about knitting, just imagine the projects that I could complete!

Alas, life seems to get a bit in the way sometimes.  Not that I’m whining, just that the knitting doesn’t seem to move as fast when you don’t pick it up as much.  We’ve been running on the weekends since the beginning of May – which means lots of time in the car with me as the driver.  I know some people enjoy driving, but I am not one of them.  I was whining saying to my husband the other day that I just. Want. To be. In my house.  Laundry, dishes, messes and all of it.  Although, let’s be real, a glass of wine and knitting in my house sounds a whole lot better than laundry!


I wanted to give you an update on Stash Dash 2016.  This will be my 3rd summer competing against myself for the most yardage I can finish.  Stash Dash is an invention of The Knit Girllls podcast.  You can read all the information about the start and finish dates (May 27-Aug 21) and the rules here.  The rules state that both WIPs and new projects count, so everyone can participate.

For me this is a wonderful excuse to pull out some old projects and get working on them.  Or, realize that I hate the project and never want to see it again.  In which case, I can rip it out and find another project to love.  I’m actually pretty excited about freeing up some of the beautiful project bags that I have stashed in drawers with projects half completed.  If you’re a person that doesn’t have many unfinished objects laying around, you can use all new projects for the summer.  You compete against yourself, so while I’m a pretty competitive person and love the challenge, you might just want to be a little more loosey goosey about it.

I’m starting a thread on the Knitting Up North group on Ravelry to keep track of my finished objects.  Feel free to join me there.  You can either plan your way to finish a Stash Dash, or just use the thread to post on what you’re finishing.

Now, I’m off to take that nap!




…And Away We Go!

snagglepussDo you remember the Hannah Barbara cartoons?  I watched them a lot as a kid on Saturday morning.  I love that the cartoon characters feet would be moving super fast, but the rest of their body would be at normal speed.  I kind of feel like that right now.  I should be moving super fast, but instead I’m just moving at normal speed.  So today, I give you a list, because I love lists.  (I like checking things off my list even more!)

  • I have the Jujika Cowl almost at the half-way point.
  • I started a Clapotis out of Socks that Rock in the Festivus colorway.  The colorway makes me happy!
  • I also started an Over & Over Infinity Loop out of Knitting My Way Home handspun.
  • I’m thinking about my approach for winning Stash Dash 2016.  Partially completed cowls might just be a game changer for me.
  • I don’t know the dates for Stash Dash quite yet.  I believe it begins at the end of May.  It runs on one of the podcaster’s summer break from school.  I will check into this and let you know.
  • Soccer Socks.  These aren’t really for playing soccer, they’re the socks I was knitting at the end of summer last year during the soccer games my girls played in.  They are knee high tube socks for Addie.  If I feel really adventurous, I may add an after thought heel.  However, her feet are growing so fast it seems silly to do that.

    Soccer Socks
    Soccer Socks on my Daily List
  • I’m thinking about casting on a fun slouchy hat out of sock yarn that’s been in my stash for forever.
  • I was hoping to go to Shepherd’s Harvest in Lake Elmo on May 14-15, but I think I’ll have to miss it again this year.  I’ve already committed to being down in the Twin Cities area 3 weekends out of the month, I’m not sure I’m willing to make it 4.  We’ll see.
  • The weather app on my phone says it’s 64 degrees F.  I’m going to pick up my kids from school, pour myself a glass of wine and enjoy being outside with them on this beautiful spring evening.