Sweater-ing Sweltering Meltingly Hot

I don’t complain about the heat much.  In fact, I’m much more likely to run to the cold end of the spectrum rather than the hot.  But seriously, Lake Superior could turn up the AC a little this week.  When I got into the office yesterday morning the temp upstairs was running around 90 degrees F.  It only went up from there.  A chocolate bar I had in my desk melted.  Melted.  All on it’s own.  Without being in the sun or being touched by a human.  I was melting.  While this might be normal for other areas in the country (or even the state), this is not normal for this close to Lake Superior.  We don’t have air conditioning in much of the housing stock because the lake tends to supply us with all the cool air we could desire.  (and then some!)

Which is kind of ironic since I just finished a sweater.  And by finished I mean the knitting is finished.  I need to graft the underarms and sew on buttons and weave in ends.  But essentially, it’s done!

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And it might be my new favorite sweater.

I kind of want to cast on another one right away!  I’m sure I need at least one or two more of the Carbeth Cardigans, and maybe one Carbeth Sweater.  It’s entirely possible that I have the yarn already in my stash.  (I may have even pulled out enough yarn for another one two last night)  Honestly, these do not take that much yarn.  The knitting on this took me 2 weeks.  Four days of that I was in the Boundary Waters knitting on socks instead of sweaters.  Granted I did knit sleeves in the car on the way up and back but did not take the sweater in the canoe because it was just too bulky.

Before I can knit another Carbeth, I have all the other big bulky things to finish knitting.  Just when you don’t really want anything large on your lap…  I’ve got child sweaters, and blankets, and big cowls, oh my!

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The red is a child sweater that I’m working on.  More on that a little later when I come to terms with my lack of ability to measure gauge.  It was a very patriotic type of knitting weekend!

Before we went camping in the Boundary Waters, I finished and blocked these socks.  They are the Smooth Operator socks.  This pattern has become my go to sock knitting pattern.  Mostly because I can now do them without looking at the pattern.  They make for easy peasy lunch time or movie knitting.

(It’s possible that my foot model has outgrown her gig.)