The Cardigan That Wasn’t

So…. I started on my Liesl cardigan.  I’m using a very fluffy off white yarn that was deep in the stash.  It’s bulky weight and when I first pulled out the skein it appeared as though there was a lot of that particular yarn.  Until I ran out of yarn.

So I went back to the stash and realized that while I have a lot of off white yarn in that bin, it was not the same off white yarn.  Even my husband could see there was a difference.  No problem, I thought, I made a sweater out of that particular yarn already.  I’m sure I can access the yarn information in Ravelry.  I’m pretty positive I bought the yarn locally and I’ll just see if they have more.  Worst case, I’ve got the blog as a back up to all my projects, I would have recorded the information on the blog.

Can you see me setting myself up for a fall?  It’s like when you’re watching a horror movie and the damsel in distress goes into the basement even though everyone watching is yelling, “don’t go into the basement!”  You can just cover your eyes now.

The sweater is not in my Ravelry projects.

The sweater is not on the blog.

I referenced (vague reference) finishing it in 2011 in time to wear it to Yarnover.  But no details.  Not a single one.  Not even the pattern name.

The sweater is not all that attractive.  It’s warm, it’s cozy, but it’s a white sweater made out of bulky weight wool.  It’s practically bulletproof.

No pictures of the sweater can be found.

No reference to the yarn can be found.

But I vaguely remember having lots of yarn left over after the sweater was done.  (To be fair, I had a nasty cold/flu thing while knitting and finishing this sweater and so I think I was in a major fog that might have affected reasonable thought.)

I considered my options.  I could keep the top white and knit the bottom in a contrasting color.  But I didn’t think I had enough yarn of anything other than red to finish the sweater with.  And reds are, well let’s face it, reds are hard to match.  And I really don’t have many red summer dresses to wear this with.

So I threw caution to the wind and started tossing the stash in front of my husband.  Now my husband knows that I have a lot of yarn.  He even thinks I have an unreasonable amount of yarn.  And he occasionally comments to this effect.  But rarely do I pull it all out while he is at home.  It’s really for the best that way.  I don’t understand why he owns so many Boy Scout mugs/patches/uniforms/memorabilia/etc. and he doesn’t understand why I own so much yarn.  As long as we don’t bring it all out in front of the other person we are able to co-exist in the same house with the other person’s hoarding collection treasure.  This time though, storage bags were pulled out from under the couches, the trunk was sifted through, and drawers were gone through.  And finally, I found one extra large skein of off white yarn.  It’s unlabeled, so I still don’t know what it is.  I pulled the skein out, triumphant, and showed it to my husband.

He didn’t seem impressed.



Run. Do Not Walk.

Quick, go to Ravelry and look for the Winged Knits Collection by Cecily Glowik MacDonald.  She is giving 20% off her patterns if you enter SUMMER in the coupon code at checkout.

I love her design aesthetic.  I have several of her patterns and I’ve knit a couple.  Her patterns are well written and easy to follow.  I could easily come up with a wish list of patterns and yarn just based on her designs.  In fact, I found no less than 4 short sleeve cardigans that would work for summer dresses.  All are long enough to cover the tummy if that’s what you need (I do!).  Or you can make them more cropped if that’s your style (not mine).

Or take a long sleeve cardigan and convert it to a short sleeve.


So stop reading my silly ramblings and go.  Have Fun.  Shop.


I think summer is here.  At least it was here last week.  The weather made it up into the high 80’s for 3 full days until it plunged back into the 50’s.  It’s a foggy balmy 55 today – light sweater weather.

One of those warm days we took the kids on a 4.5 mile walk down the Osaugie Trail.  By the time we got back the temp had hit 90 degrees F and the girls thought they were going to melt.  So we did what any good Northerner would do and left our un-air conditioned house and went to the air conditioned library.

My Little Reader

The kids found a stack of books to read and I found some cookbooks.  I recently found out that I need to follow a gluten free diet and so I’m reading everything I can get my hands on.  I’ll try to keep the gluten-free chatter on my family blog, instead of cluttering it up here.  It’s not an easy change for me (oh let me list the things I miss!) but it has definitely made an improvement in how I feel.

While going from extremely warm to cold air conditioning, it struck me that what I need is a little light airy sweater.  Something like the Liesl that has been in my queue  I even own a hard copy of the pattern.  Every summer I say I’m going to make a rainbow of these to go over tank tops and little sun dresses (of which I probably own 3).  Then fall comes around and I wonder why I would ever want anything without full sleeves.

But baby, I promise this summer will be different.

But first, I’ve got to finish my Lumen shawl (on the last 16 rows) and the HPKY scarf.  By the time I’m done with all that garter stitch I think I’ll be ready for some feather and fan action.  Hopefully there will still be a few days of warmish weather left to inspire me to knit a Liesl.