Yarn Shaming

Maybe you’ve seen Dog Shaming? (Don’t click through if you’re eating lunch unless you have a strong stomach, just sayin’)  Nothing makes me go into hysterical giggles like Dog Shaming does.  There’s a version for cats as well, but let’s face it – cats never look like they feel bad.  But dogs, oh my!  These dogs get themselves into the biggest messes…

I have my own version going on at home.  We call it Yarn Shaming.


We refuse to bind off or Kitchener ourselves.  We’re selfish that way, so we’re just sitting around waiting.




I’m sulking because I only get knit on at the campfire even though my yarn ball threw a hissy fit and now Mom can only work on me if she’s relaxed.  (wine helps)




Mom brought home a new project, so I’m not leaving this bag until that project goes away.  Sorry, not sorry.



kool aide dying

I sat in the stash for over 10 years before I jumped into a measuring cup of Kool-aide and vinegar!  Hopefully now I’ll be used




I laugh every time Mom realizes the gauge is different on my body than on the sleeves.  AND I hid the needles she used!

Suffice it to say I have no official yardage to count for Stash Dash.  I really need to get over my lack of finishing mojo.