Proud Momma

It’s no secret that I’m a proud Momma of my little girls. 

I’ve been struggling to write a coherent, well-written post telling you about how my children are the smartest and quickest children in the Northland, all the while sounding humble and greatful.  Something along the lines of Prairie Home Companion, "where the children are all above average."  I’m afraid it just isn’t going to happen today. 

I will tell you, however, that I was extremely happy when my 5 year old came up to me yesterday and asked me to teach her to knit.  I didn’t have high expectations, since she’s only 5, and she and I are a bit like oil and water when it comes to me teaching her anything.  She surprised me though, she picked up the knit stitch like she had learned it through osmosis over the years.  Come to think of it, I’ve been knitting since before she was born, so perhaps she did pick it up through osmosis in the womb.  Regardless, she knit 3 rows before she decided that was enough for the day.  This morning while watching cartoons, she was able to do another half of a row before she got distracted.  At this rate, we’re hoping to have a tiny blanket for her dolls made by next fall.  There’s no rush.  If she’s happy knitting here and there, then I am too. 

Secret Squirrel Project

It’s tough to be a blogger when you have Secrety Squirrel projects on the needles.  There really isn’t a whole lot to say or new photos to show. 

I will give you this one little peek though, it’s Dream in Color Classy in Beach Fog.  Classy is the worsted weight line of D in C. 

As for the Spring Sock-a-thon, the socks are all coming along nicely.  No, little sister, you can’t have another sneak peak to generate some excitement.  I haven’t had a lot of down time to work on the socks lately, most of my energy has been going into work, keeping up with the kids, and trying to keep our house in some semblance of order (at least enough so that the county health department doesn’t come knocking!).  I should have had a good amount of time to work on all of this over the last weekend, but we were at a waterpark and I was completely drained.  I’m not going to beat myself up over this though.  I knit because I enjoy it and knitting on a deadline just ends up stressing me out.  The only real deadline I have is for this Secret Squirrel and that shouldn’t be any problem to complete. 

Did anyone make it to Yarn Over in the Twin Cities this last weekend?  Tell me about it!  Let me live vicariously through you. 





Spring is for Socks

No Purl Monkey’s in Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in Olivia.

It seems like every spring I knit socks.  Socks for my Mom (she’s gotten 2 pairs so far for Mother’s Day), socks for a swap, socks for babies.  Spring is just for socks I guess.  I don’t know what causes this, but I seem to be very cyclical in my knitting.  By summer I will want to start on a fall cardigan or heavier sweater.  By late fall I’ll be knitting like mad on Christmas projects – relatively small things like mittens, hats and the like.  Right after Christmas I start something for me.  Of course I intersperse all of this with little baby projects, gifts for friends who are having babies or hats for the nurseries. 

As for the No Purl Monkeys, they are for my husband.  My poor husband only gets hats and scarves from me.  The reason being, he is a very tall man and therefore has big feet.  Size 12.5 feet take a long time (and a large amount of yarn) to knit socks for.  He is extremely patient with my yarn habit though, so I think it’s time he gets a pair of socks for himself. 

Just in case my sister is worried, I’m still working on her socks as well.  I’ve found it’s best to keep a couple of projects going, one of which lives in my purse at all times.  This one shouldn’t need a lot of pattern checking or thinking so that I can easily knit it during lunch or at swim lessons.  Right now both socks are at the no-thinking stage so I’ll keep swapping one out for the other until they’re done or the Skew socks get complicated again. 

A Yarn Bender

I went on a yarn bender.  I don’t really have a reason and I certainly don’t have a defense.  I did however, find a really neat little yarn store in Stillwater, MN.  It’s called

Darn.Knit {Anyway}

and it’s wonderful.  They have spinning fiber, crafty items being sold on consignment and lots of yarn.  Yarn that I’ve only ever coveted online.  I love being able to see the yarn and touch the yarn in person that I’ve heard other people raving about.  I’m not sure that I can describe the vibe that Darn. Knit. {Anyway} has.  It’s part funky cool big city yarn store and part something else.  There’s a large room off to one side with a long table and chairs, obviously the classroom portion of the store.  I’d say on first glance it’s not really one of those stores that I would go into just to hang out and knit, except there is a perfect little nook upstairs near the books and notions that has a couch and a couple of chairs.  A window overlooks the St. Croix River and the paddleboat docked nearby.  It’s pretty cool. 

Malabrigo Sock Yarn in Caribeno.  I heart all things Malabrigo and I’ve wanted their sock yarn for as long as it’s been out.  Which admittedly, is only about a year.  It’s 440 yds of lovely soft socky goodness. 

Madelinetosh Tosh Sock in Olivia.  This tonal green yarn is exactly my husband’s colors.  All 396 yds might just make him a fine pair of socks. 

More Madelinetosh.  This time it’s Tosh Worsted in Citrus and Fjord.  I bought these with the intention of making little sleeveless tops for my daughters.   I happen to know a certain 4 year old who loves orange.  Now that I’ve seen Madelinetosh in person, I understand why people like it so much.  It’s a superwash merino in gorgeous vibrant colors.  It strikes me as a workhorse yarn that’s lovely to work with.  I’ll let you know for sure what I think when I’m ready to work with it.  Right now I’m still debating patterns.