Spring Break….

Ahhh…. Spring Break…. where we sit on the beach in the warm sun, drinking something tropical…..

Oh wait, that’s someone else’s life.  Darn!

I am practical, sensible.  I am married to someone practical and sensible.  And I have a yarn habit to pay for folks.  So we are not swimming in the warm sun this week.  Even though I think what I need most right now is sun and the vitamin D that the sun can provide.  Pardon me while I go eat an orange and take a vitamin D supplement.

OK, I’m back and somehow the entire spring break week flew by in a flash.  We did visit the in-laws in Stillwater, MN and made it to my parent’s house for Easter.  We even fit in a great trip to the Science Museum of Minnesota with the wee ones and their even wee-er cousins.


The Jujika Cowl is moving slowly.  I try to do a few rounds every morning.  The first two rows were the hardest by far.  Once I crochet cast on that first row of 270 I breathed a sigh of relief.  I am not terribly speedy at crochet!  The first knit row is your set up row for the colorwork and I had to pay attention to the chart.  Those two rows took my entire knitting time for the day.  I’ve got the rhythm of it now though – there is definitely a rhythm to this pattern which makes it really easy to find your mistake if you get off track.

I have to admit, although I brought it down to Stillwater for Easter Weekend, I didn’t work on it at all when I was there.  Having toddlers in the house made it difficult to work on anything harder than plain stockinette.  Which was fine, because I also have a Bad Oyster on the needles.

About that Bad Oyster, I really like the Bad Oyster pattern.  It’s simple, so it’s great for knitting at meetings or over lunch with friends.  It’s been my take along knitting for about a month.  In fact, one of our priests (not The Boss) has asked me twice what I was knitting.  I’m not sure if it’s the color change of the gradient yarn that throws him or the fact that I seem to be always knitting and yet it’s still not done that throws him.

Bad Oyster makes a stunning fringed shawl when it’s steeked at the very end.  Plus, you feel pretty tough when you cut your knitting!  I’ll be sure to take some pictures and show you how it turns out.

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