Where Did Who Go?

September snuck up on me. You know how some months seem to completely fly by as though you missed an entire week somehow? Well that’s how August felt. Like the very obscure line from Top Gun, “Where did he go?” “Where did who go?”  The month of August flew by like a fighter jet and September looks to be going just as fast.

I’ve been slowly working on my August Camp Loopy project, the Siren’s Hymn wrap. The challenge was to find a color that makes you happy and to knit something that takes 800 yds. I flew through Project 1 and 2 without a real problem, but Project 3 seems to be a struggle. Part of the problem is that I did more driving than passenger-ing in August. That seriously cuts down on my knitting time!

I realized I was down to the wire on this project with a week and a half to go in the month. I counted the number of sections I had done, then divided the remaining days by the number of sections I had left to do. I would have had to knit 16 sections per day. On a really good day, where I didn’t have to work or do much meal prep, I could do 9 sections. Um…. Houston, we have a problem.

As of August 31 when I fell asleep on the couch at 9:30pm, I had 72 rows to finish. The only thing keeping me motivated to finish this wrap is knowing how nice it will be to have on our trip in October. Whether wearing it as a scarf or wrapping it around my shoulders on the plane, I think it will be great for over air conditioned locations.

That means only 3 sections per day to get it done by October!