I Might Be a Bit Excited….

Would you like to guess where we’ll be going?

I’m pretty excited.  I’m reading everything I can and being slightly obsessive compulsive about planning the trip.  All of the big details are nailed down – where we’re staying, food, flights, etc.  Now it’s just planning the fun stuff.  If anyone has any ideas/tips/tricks/etc about Disney World, let me know!

Oh Boy!

I deserve a smack on the forehead for this one.  Or a knitting Time Out?  At the very least a severe reprimand to myself.

I was merrily working on my Trieste Cardigan for the Loopy Ewe Camp Loopy.  I needed to make a project with 400 yds of yarn that I had bought from the Loopy Ewe.  I found wonderful yarn – Shalimar Yarns in Zoe Sock – that was 450 yds.  I planned on using yarn from stash for the colorwork.  This would be acceptable in the rules as I read them as long as the stash yarn was something that was also found in the Loopy Ewe store.

Here’s the kicker.  In my head I was making the 6 month size of the cardigan for a yet to be born niece or nephew.  (The flavor is yet to be determined, but the baby is due in July.)  I had the neck down to the armholes done as well as one sleeve.  I was making tracks!  Then, my friend Knittymuggins mentioned that she was probably going to be short of yardage to make the 400 yd goal.

That’s when it hit me.

3 Month Size


The sweater called for 410 yds in the size I was making (which was actually a 3 month size).   Since I was using a stash yarn to do the color work, it wouldn’t actually count towards the 400 yd minimum.  Plus, this couple’s last baby grew fast so I wanted a larger size anyway.  To the frog pond it went.

Did I mention that this sweater has to be completed, photographed and uploaded to the Ravelry group by June 30?  I’m knitting like the wind to get this done in time.

The Frog Pond


I know that this challenge seems rather silly – after all, who cares if you use 399 yds of yarn or 450?  But put a challenge in front of me and I’ll do it.  I’ve always been that way.  In fact, it’s probably the same reason I’ve entered into a No Sugar Until the Other One Gives In challenge with The Boss.  Neither of us is allowed to eat refined sugar (with a couple of “let’s keep this realistic” exceptions).  So far so good with the challenge – neither of us shows much sign of giving in any time soon.  We’ve both shown remarkable restraint in the face of brownies, cake and other sweets.  It probably helps me that my hubby has no sweet tooth what so ever.

So one little 400 yd sweater?  It’s nothing compared to staring chocolate in the face.